=== Plugin Name === Contributors: RobMarsh Donate link: http://rmarsh.com/donate/highlight-comment-author/ Tags: comments, highlight, automatic Requires at least: 1.5 Tested up to: 2.6.1 Stable tag: 1.0.2 Highlight Author Comments automatically displays comments made by a post's author in a distinctive style == Description == Highlight Author Comments automatically displays comments made by a post's author in a distinctive style with no need to edit your template files, etc. All you do is provide a snippet or two of CSS styling to be applied to author posts. == Installation == Highlight Author Comments is installed in 3 easy steps: 1. Unzip the "Highlight Author Comments" archive and copy the folder to /wp-content/plugins/ 2. Activate the plugin 3. Use the Options > Highlight Comment admin page to enter the CSS styling you want to apply to author comments. == Frequently Asked Questions == = What Do I Enter in the Options Page? = The plugin Options page just has couple of text boxes where you put the bits of CSS you want to apply to highlighted comments. Don't include **{** or **}**: just the CSS. For example, by default the plugin applies the CSS `padding: 1em` which 'indents' the comment a little all round. If you wanted to also make the text red, for example, you would use `color: red; padding: 1em`. You can style the body of the comment itself and/or the link to the comment author. = CSS Styling... What's That? = Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is too complex a subject to go into here. A good resource is provided by the [Web Design Group](http://htmlhelp.com/reference/css/). = How About Some Examples? = Here's where some artistry would be a help! In lieu of skill here are some examples to play with: * padding: 1em; * padding-left: 20px; * background-color: #FFFF95; * border-left: 1em solid #DDD; padding: 1em; * background: white url(http://www.yourblog.com/images/fluffy-clouds.gif) * background-color: silver; margin-left: -2em; padding: 1em 1em 1em 2em; * etc. = How Does It Know Which Comments to Highlight? = The plugin simply compares the email of the post author with the email of the commentor. This works fine as long as a post author is logged in when commenting. It will fail if the author is not logged in and uses a different email. == Version History == * Version 1.0.2 * Workaround for WP bug that failed to style the first paragraph as a paragraph * Version 1.0.1 * Added the ability to style the comment author link * Added some security with nonces * Version 1.0.0 * Initial version